Sunday, November 15, 2009

I've been thinking about it for a couple years now. I was about to do it last year, but my dad wouldn't draw it for me. So I decided against it, it wasn't a justifiable need. It was just a want that I couldn't really explain. I couldn't answer the question: "Why do I want a tattoo?" And this week, after seeing a billboard for a tattoo festival in OC, I asked, "Why not?"

So it's my last name in Chinese. It's similar to the Chinese character for "horse" so I was able to use google images to get the calligraphy effect I wanted, and then just had the tattoo artist add the two extra strokes on the left side. It cost $60 and it didn't hurt that bad. I was hugging David the whole time (all 10-15 minutes) and that helped with the pain. My head was turned to the left mostly away from the tattoo gun, but when I turned my head to the right and was able to see the gun, the pain was much worse. I did cry, I admit, but it wasn't solely from the pain. The pain opened the tear ducts, but the tears flowed from my love for David. It felt so nice holding him, and digging my nail into him when the pain was at its worst.

My sister's first tattoo was this as well, so I got the idea from her. It's the best tattoo I could get with the question "Why do I want a tattoo?" It would be harder for me to defend a lotus flower or whatnot. But my family's name will always be my family's name. And I think my other cousins are going to get this tattoo also...and that'll just be rad. Like the Phung/Fung clan. I eventually want to get my whole Chinese name continuing below my current one. It'll be hot.

Tuesday, November 03, 2009

I've never been as relaxed at any point in my life as I am now. I'm only working 27 hours a week (money's tight, but I'll be fine). I don't have midterms or finals. I already took my MCAT. My primary application for medical schools is submitted. My secondary applications have been submitted. All my letters of recommendation are completed.

I have a lot of time on my hands. I haven't had free time since I started college. Not like I do now. I find myself on the internet a lot or watching a lot of TV. And it's nice.

But now the question arises...could I be doing more? Am I happy with inactivity?

The answer is no. I'm not happy living a life just for me...only concerned about money and medical school and my boyfriend.

I decided to volunteer as a mentor to a child with a parent in prison. I've been interested in this program since my first year at UCI, but never got around to it. Now I have the time and no excuse. What's special about this activity compared to all my activities in college is that it's not going on my medical school application, because that's already been sent in. This is one of my first truly selfless acts. Well, is anything truly selfless? I'll leave that up to Cordell to analyze.