Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Random thought: People who can't properly park their SUVs shouldn't drive SUVs. Not to mention the effects of global warming.

So it's official, world. Jenny is no longer an undergraduate student. I officially have completed my undergraduate education at UC Irvine. As I walked out of my very last final this morning, as usual, I thought about the questions I got wrong or didn't know. It wasn't until a few minutes later as I was driving in my car did I remember: I'M FUCKING DONE! And I thought about the past 4 years of late night studying and juggling, and I really isn't that hard! Medical school will be way, way harder. While I've always known this, I did consider being a Bio major at UCI very stressful, and now I don't know why. Well, it's not really important anymore. I am a college graduate! It says so on facebook and everything.

I don't feel particularly different. I think it'll hit me when APSA has its Welcome Week. Oh man, I'm an APSA Alumnus now, so this is how Narinda feels. Haha. I can't wait to support them in their events like Narinda supported ours. Enjoying amazing APSA events without the stress of planning them? Fuck yeah!

Alright world, Jenny Phung has her Bachelor of Science in Biological Sciences with a minor in Asian American Studies. Woot woot!

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