Tuesday, March 18, 2008

It is Tuesday, and I am DONE WITH FINALS!! And now I can blog, about what, I don't know. Ok, so I had traffic school last week. There's 2 things I want to say about that.

First, it was a 7 hour class, 3.5 hours on a Monday and Tuesday. In order to go there Monday, I had to miss an Uncultivated Rabbits meeting, a Constituents meeting, and an Umbrella Council meeting. And on Tuesday, I had to miss an APSA meeting. So my point is that I was able to take 7 extra hours out of my schedule to go to this traffic school, and if I weren't involved in any of these activities, that could be 7 hours of studying a week!! I do spend more time on my extracurriculars than on studying. On top of meetings, I spend even more time planning, organizing, e-mailing. Yes e-mailing and researching for programs takes a lot of time. I wouldn't give up my student leadership experience with APSA for anything (except maybe a 4.0 GPA), I'm just observing.

Secondly, so I had 3 months to go to traffic school, and I put it off until the last minute. My due date was March 11th, and I scheduled a class for March 9th. So Sunday, March 9th rolled around, I woke up at noon like any other Sunday. Tra la la, "what time should I go into research to make up hours? I really want to see Definitely, Maybe...OH SHIT!" I was supposed to be there at 7:45 am, so it's way too late to still go now. I'm freaking out! I cannot, cannot have a point on my license! So I call all the traffic schools I can, and after several attempts and hearing "we don't have anything within 50 miles," I luckily find Improv Comedy Club Traffic School in Buena Park, and it's broken up into 2 classes on the 10th and 11th. Reading my court papers, I'm unclear as to when I'm supposed to have my certificate into the court by. Am I supposed to complete traffic school by March 11th or submit the certificate to the court by the 11th? If it's the latter situation, I'm screwed. Because the class ends at 9:30pm, I won't be able to submit it until the 12th in the morning. I didn't know the answer to this question until the 12th, and I just attended traffic school and hoped for the answer I wanted. So I approach the window of the courthouse, and held my breath. The lady says, "Oh, you completed it the day it was due?" And I say, "Yeaaaah, is that okay?" She says, "Yeah, it's fine." WHOOOOO!! I don't think how much I emphasized how big a deal it was that I don't get a point on my driver's license. Insurance goes up about $300/year and the point stays on for 3 years! That's $1000 I saved! So I was scared shitless for 2 days...and my theory of life remains true: things always work out.

Life always works out for me. Even in the worst of times, I always have this gut feeling that everything's going to be alright. My life's not fabulous nor comfortable, but I don't have it too shabby. Thank God for credit cards.

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