Monday, December 21, 2009

Tally of interviews, rejections, and a special third category as of today

UC Davis
University of Nevada (Reno)
Uniformed Services University of Health Sciences (Military medical school)
University of Central Florida (Orlando)
UC Irvine (tentative)

University of Hawai'i
Georgetown University (Washington D.C.)
Boston University
UC San Francisco
Tulane University (New Orleans)

Continue to be reviewed
Penn State
George Washington University (Washington D.C.)

I'm still waiting to be invited by UC Irvine for an interview, but a very important birdie is definitely making it happen. The only rejection that really bummed me out is UCSF, it's a very prestigious school that I hoped to attend. Hawaii was disappointing but expected. What's funny is that UCLA was my dream medical school for most of college, but I'd actually rather avoid living in the craziness of LA.

University of Central Florida called me for an interview. The medical school only has first-year students right now, and I would be in the second class if I go there. But I've decided to think back in the mindset of "I'll go anywhere if it means not taking another year off."

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