Friday, July 13, 2007

You know what I miss? I miss summers in Vegas. Warm nights and great friends. And pictures worth a thousand words. Drunken parties and dance floors in family rooms. I don't know when I'll be visiting Vegas this summer, if I'm visiting at all. I need to cross that line. That line between dwelling on the old life I had and enjoying the start of my new life. I still feel very connected to Vegas. But I need to let it go. If I keep on considering it my home, and thus my heart, I'll never be happy here. And I'm going to be here for a very long time. Every time I go to Vegas, I never want to leave.
I guess I'm not ready to start a new life. I'm just a baby. I don't want to grow up, to be responsible for myself. I don't want to let go of Vegas.


  1. aww! i love vegas summer nights. it's not the same without you here, cause you and ambika seriously are my vegas. anyhow, i think it's okay to feel connected to a place and be in a new place. having multiple homes is like having multiple friends. it's possible. and, you are so young! you'll figure it out. you've got TIME. take care girl.

  2. It's funny how i miss Vegas too even though i may not live there. But it's because i remember all the good times i had there when i came to visit you. :)..but don't worry, you'll overcome this somehow, you always do because you're very strong.


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