Thursday, July 24, 2008

COSMOS is going to end this Saturday. For those of you who don't know, for the past month, I've been a night and weekend RA for this high school summer science program. I'm taking two classes, and work night and weekends (obviously), and I volunteer on Tuesdays. It's a sweet deal. I'm living in Middle Earth, and all my meals are covered. But it's about to end in a few days...

August is going to be an interesting month. I'm taking 3 upper-division Bio classes. I need 2 of them, and the 3rd is a "what the hell, summer school is cheap for me, and I could raise my science GPA" kind of class. And I'll be volunteering once a week. And then...that's it.

I don't know what I'll do with myself in August and September. No job, no APSA, no research?

Of course I'll be job-hunting. But I see myself working out a lot. My goal is to lose at least 8 pounds by Hawaii (because I gained 8 pounds this year).

By the way, I'm going to Hawaii at the end of September. It will be my first time! I'm going for my best friend Randy's 21st birthday! So much excitement! Before I start a full-time job, I thought I'd treat myself. I guess it's my graduation present to myself. Good job, Jenny, for making it out in 4 years!

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