Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Rotation #2 Primary Care

So my 2nd rotation in 3rd year was Primary Care. After leaving that rotation, I was 80% sure I was going into Primary Care.

I don't have any specific good stories or memories to share about the rotation, but just a general feeling about certain principles and qualities of primary care.

- I like taking care of chronic illnesses. I can understand why some people dread the idea of managing diabetes, high blood pressure, and high cholesterol all day long. But that actually appeals to me. One reason is that I'm familiar with managing those conditions through my work at Paul Hom Asian Clinic. Secondly, and also, related to Paul Hom Asian Clinic, I've personally witnessed what happens when you don't have those things managed: end-organ damage. I'd be happy to help in preventing end-organ damage.

- I like continuity of care. I love it when preceptors can tell me their patients' life stories. I'm so impressed with their memory and also just love knowing people's life stories. How lucky am I that I will have a career where I have meaningful relationships with so many people.

- I like being the front line of mental health care. Everyone has stress in their lives. And when that stress becomes pathological, people go to their primary care doctor first. This is especially true for Asians. That was true for my aunt; I don't think she ever trusted the psychiatrists.

- Low back pain sucks. I don't look forward to dealing with people in chronic pain. I don't fully connect with them at this point in my training. I'm struggling having empathy for them.

- I love working with children. They are so cute and make me smile. I smile all day during pediatrics. One big reason I'm not going into pediatrics though is the pay (I know, I'm struggling with my materialism). Another is the first bullet point above.

- Primary care doctors are the most important educators of all doctors because they are the primary educators. And what would I have been if I didn't get into medical school? A teacher!

- Not knowing the answers to everything makes me uncomfortable. But I recognize that I'm only a 3rd year medical student, and I already know A LOT more than when I started. So I will continue to learn A LOT more through residency.

At this moment, I am 90-95% sure I am going into Family Medicine. The more I think about it, the more I can't imagine myself in anything else. I can't believe I'll have my MD in 15 short months. Wow. What a trip.

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