Saturday, March 02, 2013

Two nights ago, I asked David, "Is our marriage okay?" 

While it was a serious question, I didn't mean that our marriage was seriously not okay. Poor David though interpreted it as the latter. 

I've claimed that marriage has been relatively easy, not much different to pre-marriage and living together. The hardest thing has been figuring out what kind of relationship I can have with my mother-in-law, and that's still evolving. 

But lately, I've been a little less happy. I think I've been hyper-aware of falling into routine. Being so busy that when we have free time one day a week, we choose to spend it apart. When we do spend time together, it's in front of the TV. And to be thorough, sex is not as often as I would like. We've never gone less than once a week, but I'd much prefer at least twice a week. 

I think it's the being busy part that is the root cause of it all. But we need to be busy and we should be busy. It's the P90X he does every evening at 8pm. It's the marathon I'm training for, it's the studying I have to do. It's the fishing that he's starting to do regularly. Besides doing P90X with him sometimes, the rest are activities we do separately. 

This is the first time in 3rd year I've felt this way. I didn't even feel this way on surgery. Now I have internal medicine to look forward to with overnight call every 4th night. And looking even further ahead, residency is going to be even more time-demanding. 

I'm glad we addressed it now early in our marriage. We addressed that we just really need to try. Try to spend more time together doing activities and try to have more sex. 

We bought tennis rackets and we love playing tennis together. He agreed to initiate sex more. Now I want to add in bike riding to the picture. 

Poor David had nightmares about my question. He woke up in the middle of the night asking if we're all better and he doesn't even remember asking it. He's so scared of losing me and isn't afraid to show it. I love his commitment. 

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