Friday, September 21, 2007

Life resolution: improving the relationships in my life.

Starting right now.

I am going to contact everyone who is important to me and update them on my life. Then they will update me on theirs. And everyone will be updated. Simple enough. But maintaining it will be the hard part.

Sometimes when it's the other party that isn't doing their part of the maintenance, I just give it up on account of my pride, I suppose. I'm too proud to probe, or more accurately, I'm too afraid that my probing will be unwanted. Probing is an exaggeration. But if I e-mail someone, and they don't e-mail back in 3 weeks, how should I deal with it? I want to keep the correspondence going, but how do I go about asking: have you just been busy or do you want to end our e-mails? Errr....maybe I'll call them.

Anywho! I'm excited about this new decision. Because the relationships in my life sure need improvement. I'll let you know how it goes!